Sunday, April 28, 2024

Acrylic Design Landscape

bayoli design

She has a strong background in operations and project management within a creative space, and holds a Bachelors of Science in Business Administration from the University of Southern California. Many firms describe their work as “transformative” — architecture as an accomplished fact. By collaborating closely with our clients throughout the design process, we are better able to inspire them with the finished product. By working closely with trusted tradespersons, we can deliver work that is uncompromising in craftsmanship. Asap/ is a collaborative design practice founded in 2011 and based in Los Angeles, with a second office in Buffalo, New York, USA.

Synthesis Design + Architecture

FreelandBuck is a full service architecture design practice formed in 2009 and based in Los Angeles. Partners David and Brennan have over 15 years of experience in architecture and landscape architecture. The firm has exhibited widely and received the 2011 ArchIs Prize for emerging architects from the Los Angeles AIA. California Home + Design magazine recognized FreelandBuck as one of the “10 to Watch” new architecture offices in 2011. Our work has been featured in Architectural Record, Detail, Frame, Azure, Surface and LOG as well as several recent books on architecture and technology. RIOS is an international design collective working beyond boundaries to inventively combine disciplines and amplify the impact of design.

Whipple Russell Architects

Founded in 1972, Morphosis is an interdisciplinary practice involved in rigorous design and research that yields innovative, iconic buildings and urban environments. With founder Thom Mayne serving as design director, the firm today consists of a group of more than 60 professionals, who remain committed to the practice of architecture as a collaborative enterprise. With projects worldwide, the firm’s work ranges in scale from residential, institutional, and civic buildings to large urban planning projects. Named after the Greek term for ‘to form or be in formation’, Morphosis is a dynamic and evolving practice that responds to the shifting and advancing social, cultural, political and technological conditions of modern life. John Friedman Alice Kimm Architects was formed in 1996, when John and Alice recognized a shared aesthetic and social vision for the power of architecture.

bayoli design

Best Architecture Firms in Los Angeles

The blue “+” badge denotes that a project has won a prestigious A+Award as described above. Hovering over the badge reveals details of the award, including award category, year, and whether the project won the jury or popular choice award. Karan has over a decade of experience in sourcing, structuring and negotiating deals with his background in audit, transactions services and M&A, acquiring over $450m in equity value and working alongside private equity.

But­tressed by pro­ject-di­rected re­search, the work of Kevin Daly Ar­chi­tects in­ter­weaves in­no­va­tion in tech­nol­ogy and fab­ri­ca­tion, sus­tain­abil­ity and ur­ban­ism, liv­abil­ity and econ­omy. The firm’s award-win­ning port­fo­lio in­cludes en­vi­ron­men­tally and so­cially re­spon­sive ed­u­ca­tional, res­i­den­tial, and in­sti­tu­tional pro­jects rang­ing in scale from sin­gle-room artist work­spaces to cam­pus mas­ter plan­ning. Kevin Daly Ar­chi­tects is par­tic­u­larly rec­og­nized for re­claim­ing and trans­form­ing sites char­ac­ter­is­tic of the ur­ban fab­ric, turn­ing generic back­ground build­ings into mod­els of com­mu­nity iden­tity. Home to iconic landmarks such as Frank Gehry’s Walt Disney Concert Hall and Richard Meier’s Getty Center, Los Angeles’ architecture has become greatly influenced by the entertainment industry. Starting from its architectural schools, the city promotes alternative design practices.

How are these architecture firms ranked?

Claremont was founded in 1931 as a wholesaler of specialist textiles and trimmings to the interior design and decoration industry emerging in London. Since its founding, Assembledge+ has been pursuing an architecture driven by a commitment to collaboration and craftsmanship to create enduring environments that are user-focused, innovative, and sustainable. In addition, being a pole of attraction for many celebrities, architectural offices have thrived in designing creative residential homes throughout the city. The housing scenery is an accumulation of intricately designed forms that could easily be considered settings from out of this world. This acrylic design recreates a landscape that mainly transmits tranquility and invites reflection, thanks to the waterfalls that flow into the river and the large amount of green space that can be appreciated.

The firm has been nationally and internationally recognized with over 205 design awards. Atelier Scale is a landscape studio that focuses on people’s livelihood with the power of design. It aims to explore the relationship within different scales in landscape, that is, to find creative solutions and expressions from the relationships between the whole and parts, groups and individuals. We focus on public space and hope to bring more meaningful experience through our thinking.

It’s your story. Tell it with Storyboard.

With more than 30,000 architecture firms and over 130,000 projects within its database, Architizer is proud to host the world’s largest online community of architects and building product manufacturers. Its celebrated A+Awards program is also the largest celebration of architecture and building products, with more than 400 jurors and hundreds of thousands of public votes helping to recognize the world’s best architecture each year. For 70 years, Steinberg Hart has shaped environments and created inspiring places through and idea-driven, results-oriented approach to design that spans education, arts, residential, urban mixed-use, hospitality, civic and commercial sectors.

Kovac Design Studio

The firm works nationally and internationally with an emphasis on cultural and educational projects for both public and private clients. Its projects marry smart planning with unusually effective client and team engagement for imaginative architectural solutions. Founded in 1994 by Lorcan O’Herlihy, FAIA, LOHA is an award-winning architecture and urban design firm of twenty-five talented designers, with offices in Los Angeles and Detroit. Collectively and collaboratively, driven by O’Herlihy, passion and creative vision, we have built a robust portfolio of work that is rooted in embracing architecture’s role as a catalyst for change. With a conscious understanding that architecture operates within a layered context of political, developmental, environmental, and social structures, LOHA seeks to elevate the human condition via the built environment. We work with a diverse group of stakeholders to deliver work ranging from art galleries, bus shelters, and large-scale neighborhood plans, to large mixed-use developments, supportive housing and university residential complexes.

This ranking list will be updated annually, taking into account new achievements of Los Angeles architecture firms throughout the year. Elegantly made of solid wood, Storyboard is specially designed to let you display and layer your favorite moments to tell the story that is uniquely yours. If you would like to understand more about this ranking list and learn how your firm can achieve a presence on it, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at

The firm’s team of architects, designers, planners and sustainability experts share the belief that design can create profound and unexpected connections between people and place. With a holistic viewpoint on design, Sapna brings her vision to life through a thoughtful design process, making the best design choices that will provide lasting value over time. Sapna’s projects are rooted in bespoke design and intentionality, and her dedicated approach allows her to create elegant and artful spaces that would make anyone happy to be home. Founded in 2018, Bungalowe is a full-service interior design and renovation studio in Los Angeles that balances form, function, and enduring style. Our signature design aesthetic features warm tones, earthy textures, and charming architectural details, resulting in sophisticated, layered and inviting interior spaces that beautifully capture the soul of a home. “Kevin Daly Ar­chi­tects is a prac­tice rooted in the be­lief that ar­chi­tec­ture has the power to trans­form the every­day built en­vi­ron­ment.

Since then, the firm has become renowned for an innovative design process dedicated to creating vibrant architectural spaces that catalyze creative interaction and redefine both social and individual realms. The firm’s portfolio encompasses a range of building types and sizes that have been widely recognized for their technological, material, and sustainable intelligence, as well as their spatial fluidity, quality of light and social significance. Pfeiffer, a Perkins Eastman Studio, is a design firm of architects, interior designers and planners, with offices in downtown Los Angeles and New York City.

Within our practice, the built environment and landscape architecture are interconnected to harness the positive impacts of wellness and define design as a continuum. The practice operates at the intersection of architecture, landscape, urban planning, interior design, video, graphics and signage, experiential, and product design to inform design at all types and scales. We believe that design is better when you think inclusively about ways to solve a problem. Established in 1988, Kovac Design Studio is a multidisciplinary architecture and design practice focused on the realization of meticulously crafted, highly personalized projects.

Over our more than two decades of experience, we have honed our expertise working with a wide range of constraints and creative challenges. Our values, forged by years of frequently invigorating, and occasionally humbling experiences, are simple. We strive to provide the highest level of service to our clients, and to imbue our projects with meaning and enduring quality. CO Architects is nationally recognized for architectural planning, programming and design in the higher education, science and technology, civic and healthcare sectors, and works with leading institutions from coast to coast. In over 35 years of practice, CO Architects has led innovative and successful projects in 30 states, Canada and the UK.

At the meantime, we don’t mind participating in commercial projects, but we look forward to collaborating clients with similar values to create win-win works that benefit public interest. With so many architecture firms to choose from, it’s challenging for clients to identify the industry leaders that will be an ideal fit for their project needs. Fortunately, Architizer is able to provide guidance on the top design firms in Los Angeles based on more than a decade of data and industry knowledge. Prior to co-founding Bungalowe, Sapna worked in high-end event planning and had an apprenticeship in India at Casa Paradox, a sought-after celebrity-loved interior design firm.

We seek to identify and advance design opportunities to develop the art and craft of design at all scales — from tableware to entire cities, while also reinterpreting and re-energizing programmatic imperatives. Our work is devoted to understanding and contributing to existing cultural and architectural contexts while deploying advanced design and construction technology in ways appropriate to contemporary life. The name Assembledge+ was deliberately chosen to convey the firm’s passion for “assembling” all the often-complex elements of the design process to produce an architecture that is precise, considered, and of exceptional quality. The + signifies an approach that looks at the whole combination of interrelated parts and that architecture is more than drawings and an arrangement of building materials. It includes the process of collaboration with clients, specialist consultants and builders.

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